Who Doesn't Love Books?

Friday, April 16, 2010

Life Updates.

Hi Everyone,

I really haven't posted much, primarily because I just don't have the time. I thought I'd give an update for those of you who actually read this, although I'm not sure how many folks do. I've been very busy over the past few months, as I work full time as the lab coordinator for a biology program as well as teach 4 undergraduate labs. I barely have time to think, I swear.

Work has been good. There are a lot of really great people where I work, they are intelligent and are fun to be around. There are a some that make wanting to come to work a discouragement at times. You know the type. The "I'm more important than everyone else so drop what you're doing and cater to my needs" kind of person. They are wearing me down and it's making my job not enjoyable. I enjoy my job normally because I work with the students and interact with the biology program. There's just that one person, and even though I try not to let them bog me down, sometimes I cannot avoid them and they suck me in to a black hole of irritation and anger. I guess that's life, you're always going to have one difficult person that you work with.


My other issue of the day is a so-called "friend". I was once quite close with this person. At least I thought we were. Then I find out that she's getting married (this weekend now) much sooner than previously told to me by her- which I found out by seeing her bridal shower pictures online! She then goes on to tell me all about how I'd be invited to a bachelorette party in March (never did get that invite, hmm....) and that I'd still be getting a wedding invite (funny, it's tomorrow, never saw one of those either). If you didn't want me at your wedding, you could have at least told me instead of making up some stupid story. I feel hurt and offended. I guess that's how life goes. I've continually been shown who my true friends are in life, and I guess that's part of being an adult.

Speaking of friends, I'm a tad sad because a friend of mine is moving very soon!! I'm very happy for her of course (she's going to graduate school out west) but I'm going to miss her terribly, as she was my date for Twilight and Harry Potter movies- now I'm going to have to go to them alone (since my hunny isn't down with seeing those in theaters). *Sigh* She's pretty much my only friend that lives kind of close to my house.

I am excited for the upcoming weekend though- girls night out :) I can't wait to party with my favorite gals!!! It's going to be sooooo much fun :)

Anyhow, not too much else is new or exciting. I am going to start an MBA in the Fall of 2011 (At least, that's my goal date). I feel this would really expand my career possibilities. Hopefully I will get into either the UWM program or the MTU online MBA program, which are the two that I will definitely apply to (I may apply to Marquette as well, but they are pretty pricey).

As some of you may know, I've been working on losing weight using the Weight Watchers plan, which has been working out well for me. I hope to continue until I reach my goal weight. I don't aim to be thin, just to be healthy. I am too young to be having cholesterol problems like I have already had.

Finally, I recently started soliciting for donations for the Start! Heart Walk that is to be held in Milwaukee in October. If you look on the right side of this blog, you'll see a little badge that you can click on to link to my page to donate. I figured that April would be a good time to start. For those of you who did not know, my dad passed away in April 2000 from a massive heart attack. He was only 39 years old. I have previously donated this time of year my $$ to the AHA. This year I have decided to coincide with my healthier self and sign up to do the Start! Heart Walk and raise $250.00. If I do not meet that based on the donations of others by October, I will pay the difference. I plan on donating regardless, but I hope I can get others involved and join my cause.

I hope all is well with everyone. I try to keep in touch but I'm terrible at it.

Love- D.