Who Doesn't Love Books?

Monday, May 3, 2010

Just Another Manic Monday

Ugh. I hate Mondays. I'm always tired because I didn't sleep well the night before, crabby (because it's well, Monday), and just generally dreading the work week, not because I hate my job (I enjoy it) but because, let's face it, we'd all rather do something else rather than work! Like take long walks, read, sleep, watch movies, I could go on all day.
Alas, work pays bills. Thus, I work. Lame, I know. I have a lot of bills!

I hope working out will help me out. I'm going to go do circuit training at lunchtime, then back to work for a while, then picking out some plants to put in my office (it needs a little pick me up, a 100+ year old building is pretty dreary and flowers/ plants will make it a little better), then probably going for a run. I'm working on me. I have lost 30 lbs. so far and I haven't felt this good about myself in a while. I really let myself go, and it's hard to get to what I want to be. I still have bad days and look in the mirror and wish I saw someone different but more and more I'm happy with what I see. Well, happier. I know I still have a ways to go, but I like how I feel and that I do not have a double chin anymore.

For those friends who did not know, I'm also training to run in my first 5K in a very long time. I used to enjoy running, since I lived in the middle of nowhere with lots of side roads and trails to run on, so what's stopping me now?! Things are going well for me, and I think I'll be fine. As I progress I hope to run in the 10K next summer in my hometown and eventually a 1/2 marathon. I've been following the C25K plan, which is quite easy and I highly recommend it for anyone who wants to start running again but isn't really sure how to go about it the right way.

I've also been doing WW for those of you who didn't know.. it's been going well. I am now working on keeping my own food journal and keeping track of points. It seems to hold me more accountable than the Iphone app I was using (because I would "adjust" the quantity for less points). Even if you aren't in WW, you should keep a food journal. You'd be surprised to see what you're consuming throughout the day. Seriously!!

Below I've put a workout routine that I've been doing (circuit training) with a student trainer for their practum. It was free advice and help, and now I'm sharing it with you, so enjoy!! I hope you find this worthwhile.

10-15 minute cardio warmup (I enjoy the elliptical for this)

Machine Pulldown @ 62.5 lbs (15 reps)
Machine Row @ 62.5 lbs (15 reps)
Military Press w/ 15 lb. dumbbells (15 reps)
Dumbbell Curl w/ 15 lb. dumbbells (15 reps)
20 weighted arm extensions (lay on back like you're going to do a situp, and holding a 6-10 lb. medicine ball, hold with both hands, extend to your left above your head, to your knees- but don't touch them, then to your right, then bring to the center of your chest, give it a light toss in the air and catch it. That's 1 rep.)
Leg Press @ 200 lbs. (15 reps)
Calf Raises- 15 reps
Hamstring Curl- 15 reps
Squats w/ 6-10 lb. medicine ball

Repeat the above sequence 2-3 times.

Then do 10 minutes cardio.

Follow with the abdominal sequence below (which you repeat 2-3 x)

Sit-ups- bring your elbows to your knees, hands stay behind head. 20-30
Weighted crunches- reach towards sky with a weighted medicine ball in hands. 20-30
Twists- using a 10 lb. dumbbell. 20-30
Flutters- kicking legs back and forth like the flutter kick in swimming while lying on your back 20-30 sec.
Superman- lay on stomach, lift legs and arms (extended in front of you) and head upward. 20-30 x
Teakettles- Using a 15 lb. weight, put rt. hand behind head and move in a teakettle motion, lowering left arm holding weight. Do 15-20 x and switch.

When you're done, stretch out to cool down and keep those muscles from locking up. Trust me, it's one hell of a workout.
